Jumat, 01 Januari 2010

*new years and things ;D

hey this is new year ! so happy new year HAHAHH
kemaren gua ngabisin hari terakhir di tahun 2009 buat BBQ an di rumannyya zsa" hahahaha yan seneng" gituu.
sama sodara" gua kek nya uda lama banget gua enngak perna kumpul" kek gitu jadi pengen cepet" sin chia wakakakaka .

*what i want to do in 2010 :
1. getting mature no cry ! hahaha ?
2. get a good score and pass my JHS exam :D
3. make my life better and better
4. more understand my mom and dad
5. more shared things with my brother
6. hope tasya still can be with me in SHS
7. singapore HAHAHAH ;p
8. boy friend ? *ditabokin gua am nyokap wkakakaa.
9. more responsible :D
10. be me :)

hope thats all can be true in 2010 *happy new year buddies :p

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