Kamis, 24 Desember 2009

christmas gift :D

okey, i can control my emotion now :D
i thought what i thinking about life is not "fair" its wrong .
i can breath until now, i have a complete family :)
i have a good friends, ohhh all that i have is from YOU .
iya, semua dari tuhan dan gua gk bersyukur .
tuhan enngak perna kasih cobaan melebihi kekuatan anak" nya ( i believe that )
this chrismas just a little messy then last chrismas and i complain like my whole life is crash by something bad .
thanks god for " everything you give to me "
i love all them , my family,friends thats all make me complete :)

a.l ;
HAHAHAHAH, whatever he do i trying not to much care :D

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