Rabu, 05 Agustus 2009

time to be crazyy ~

hahahha, tomorrow i almost cry cause my art book is lost .
but u know. i found my book at home, ahahahha ~
in sch i tell to my friend that i borrow that book :) sooryy friend maybe i have SMT
(Short memory term )
hahahahha ...
today no special day just a liitlee shocking something happendd ~
hahahah, i think u will prefer never to contact me againn `
hahahhaahha, better betterr noww :))
oh yaa, after take some proposal to pelita sch hahaha .
we (i tasya jea) go to eaatt some bakmie ~
hahahhahaha :)
so mannyy mannyy chili, until i get stomache ~
ahhahahahhahah :))
after that a little bit talking with evan and daruu.
then go back to jeaaa houssee , (my third housee) ahhaha
then there tasyaaaa been craaazzzyy thereee .
we laugh laugh and laugh .
i dont know why ? but if i always been in tasya side .
i alwaysss LAUGHHH hahahahhahaha :))
im happy today happy happy happy :))
hahahhahahah, like ahh canntt mind itt singaporeee .
ahahahhahahahahaa :))
so then i loved u my frienddss :))
hahah :D

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