today like ussualy find something new, i have a cyber friend again!
it was like one years ago when i meet alvin hahaha
now i met ricky, i know him from mellisa and i know mellisa from alvin it was like a coincident isn't it?
hahaha, world is not so big? do you agree to me?
and now i am trapped again like last years hahaha.
but now it's much reality, i know where they live!
hahha, it was a big progress xD
spend this half day in computer chatting and finish my english tuition thing that already delayed since las week hahaha (:
and you know, when i go to my tuition today i heared that in the area of my tuition
the security has found a part of dead body! omg!
when madam tell us, we spontaneous say what? hahahhaha.
it was like a choir voice hahaha, and it was funny hahahaha but still we need to standby for everything that will happened to us!
we already 14 right! we need to responsible about ourselves HAHAH xD
and yesterday i went to tasya apartment to take some picture for my year book (i need to take it alone because i didn't go to jogja with them)
but, i don't regret it its okay i have a lot of fun too here! xD
wow, i tried to upload it to blog but maybe something wrong here hahaha.
so maybe next post i will show it to you!
ciao, xoxo
grace ;D
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