Kamis, 24 Juni 2010


okay yesterday screw up with my parents, that is what i called a very bad day! ):
okay its all my false so, please understand it! they don't know how to feel like a teenagers, okay okay stop stop that guilty feelings killing me now.
anyway yesterday i found an very interested page! in facebook.
HAHHAHA, they sold LOMO, lomo camera in a cheap things mmmmm look at this picture and you will jump from your seat when you looked at the price!
( it's really really shocking! )

@ Rp.200.000

#another variant colour

get ready for the cheapest lomo you ever seen!

@ Rp.60.000

like what i said right? are you shocked? HAHAHAHAH
i am tooo :D
it is nice isn't it ?
just get some hundred you get two of this huahahahaa.
okay its overreact but really it seems so exciting to bought this!
the holiday still loonggg and it means a long long adventure.

3 komentar:

  1. kamera lomo nya keren2, murah lagi

    check my new post

  2. ini toy cam, dear.. beda sama lomo.. :)

  3. grace-anisadh : iya haha ktanya liat aj di facebook hha :D
    grace-vina : haha, terlalu saya ditipu hahahaa LOL hahaha sorry salah informasi dehh soalnya dia nulisanya lomo hahahahaa :D thanks informasinya (y) :)


look look :D