Senin, 06 April 2009

corat coret 1 .

what's does friends means for you ?
friends for me is mean all :)
someone beside me in mad
someone protect me from bad thing .
someone bring me a big smile for a new day .
world like spinning around more fast if i with my friends .

but boy, boy can make me forget all my pain .
make me think for the future, give me a new experience and bring me a love .
love,love,love is all thing about him in my head .
but in the other side he can bring me the end of the world .
bring me more pain and crush my life .

but family is beside me all of time in my life ,
family is the one know all my weakness and family is the first i share my experience
i will happily ever after if i can share my time to my family , friend and him !!

2 komentar:

  1. bner tu
    friend ama cowo emang ada di hidup u
    tpi ga slamanya dgn tulus mw ngedukung u

    klo kluarga
    mw papun yg u lakuin
    klo perbuatan yg salah
    kluarga u nasehatin tpi ga pernah ninggalin u
    klo perbuatan bener
    kluarga u pasti akan slalu ada untuk mendukung u every step of the way :)

  2. emang" hhehehhee .
    keluarga emang nomor satu setelahnya teman baru cowo .
    hehheheheheh :D


look look :D